Aims And Objectives Of Our School
- To impart to the students an all round education, moral, academic, social and physical - based on high moral principles and ideals with deep love and faith in God.
- To give special importance to character formation throgh prayerful worship of God , honesty and truthfulness, respect for all persons regardless of class, caste & religious beliefs, selfless service & special concern for the poor & needy.
- To encourage among the students friendly co-operation, team spirit & solidarity; and to firmly discourage any kind of selfishness and egoistic competition.
- To inculcate among students sincere respect for parents & elders, teachers, office staff & co-workers and readiness to obey & serve them.
- To make the students aware of taking a stand for Human Rights, Empowerment of women & for safguarding the environment and nature from all effects of pollution and destruction.
- Before leaving the school to make the students well qualified, ready to face the challanges of life, willingly serve the country and live harmoniously with all people