School Notice Board

Regisration for Nursery, L.K.G & U.K.G (Session 2024-25) is open. ...
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Did we ever imagine that all our educational institutions world over would be closed? Today every house has turned into a class room and all of us are pushed towards online mode for our survival. True, these are trying times for everyone but let us be positive and hopeful like Thomas Edison. Surely good times will come again.

Let us not grieve over what we have lost in these past months……. time, opportunities, the plans we had made and the experiences we were looking forward to. Instead let us celebrate all our achievements and knowledge that we have gained. The Covid crisis has created a new human being out of all of us. It has made us dig deep into ourselves and find resources, skills and reserves of strength and levels of resilience that we never knew we possessed. In tough times like these it can be difficult to find hope but we will all sail through. History teaches us that we have every reason to be hopeful. There were students in the past who have graduated in the midst of wars, conflicts, floods, droughts, earthquakes and epidemic. They too had to face unforeseen difficulties but they all persisted and triumphed invariably. Let us all learn to adapt to any situation and environment and move on quickly in life. Though all are not techno savvy but we are now learning to be technically competent.

The ongoing Covid crisis has changed whole dimension and approach towards education and we need to change ourselves with time. Let us take all that comes in our stride. All that we need to do is to think differently and have a belief that we all can do something we have never done before or create something which never existed before. Rene Decartes said, “I think therefore I am.” In other words if we don’t think, we don’t exist anymore. Bernard Shaw said, “You see things and you say why”? I dream of things that never were and I ask “Why not”? The Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur of USA saw the birds flying in the sky and began asking “Why can’t I fly like birds”? This possibility thinking made these two brothers to invent and build the world’s first successful airplane. Many scientific inventions are the result of the possibility thinking or thinking differently. I am sure possibility thinking will bring about transformation. Albert Einstein has rightly said “Education is what remains when, after one has forgotten, what one has learned in school”. We the educators need to emphasize on teaching the students to go beyond the prescribed syllabus and curriculum. St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, Mhow has always focused on teaching its students to be socially more conscious, professionally more honest and personally more responsible. I am aware of the fact that many who have passed through the portals of St. Mary’s are highly placed in the society. The school is proud of all such St. Marians who are using their power of high position to serve their fellow being honestly and efficiently. 

All of us do not have equal talents but we all have equal opportunities to develop our talents. Let us make use of every opportunity that comes our way to soar high on the wings of imaginations. Let us all keep striving for the best, for excellence in studies, moral virtues and keep the School Motto “EXCELSIOR”- Higher and Ever Higher” alive wherever we are.

Let the power of God and the blessings of Mother Mary the Patroness of this institution enable us to keep our vision clear and achieve our goals.